"There are no rules for good photographs,
there are only good photographs." Ansel Adams
One of the exciting things about photography is that it is a never-ending process. Every photographer has room for improvement, and there are always new heights you can reach, and new levels you can strive for.
I've loved watching you step out of your comfort zones - and for some of you, taking the first step in your photography during the month of April. Taking photos for thirty days didn't make you a pro photographer necessarily, but maybe it gave you some incentive and some motivation to press on and try new things.
I personally think each of you are incredibly talented and creative people! Your photos have challenged me in more than one way - so thank you for that!
Choosing my favourite photo out of the entire competition definitely wasn't easy - there were so many I could've chosen but sadly I had to stick with just one! So congratulations to Kelsie Anne for taking this photo!
What made me choose this photo? Well, it's true... there were other photos that had better composition, and other photos that possibly followed the rules more effectively. But in the end, I choose this photo because it perfectly captured a moment and it made me smile. :-) And really, that's what photography is about - permanently taking the emotions of a moment for all the world to see.
And thank you again SO much for participating, friends! I'm still undecided as to whether I will post my photos from the month - what do you think?
{I took this photo this morning and did a tiny bit of editing on Lightroom with it- so pretty, aye!}
Many blessings,
P.S I will be posting the rest of Julia's photos soon! Thanks again!