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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Official Notice #1

To my wonderfully patient bunch of blog followers,

I'm very sorry to tell you that I won't be able to blog any more photos just yet, because my laptop is nearing that stage of life where people start thinking seriously about retirement villages, nursing homes, and superannuation... (or in my laptop's case, the recycling bin) so until all that is sorted out, I won't be able to post my photos.

My only consolation for you is this: comfort yourselves in the thought of the nice long post full of photos taken during my blog hiatus that is awaiting you in the future. :-)

Yours truly,



  1. ahhhhhhh!!!

    me thinking: please tell me this is an April fool's trick, please!

    me realizing: oh no, it is not the 1st of April anymore...THEN IT IS TRUEEEE....

    *sob* I'll miss my (nearly) daily inspiration :(

    Hope your laptop can be quickly and safely taken care of (maybe miraculously recover? :) )

  2. woa, Rachel, deeeep breath now...you'll survive (perhaps)...I might not though!!!


    Sorry to hear about your computer, Eloise. If you're looking at getting a new one I did a stack of research when needing to get mine a month or two ago so let me know if you need suggestions.

    I'll miss your photos!

  3. Ha ha! nice excuse Lese!! We all know that it is just a way to get out of updating you blog! Have you watched the latest UQ vlog??? You know you really shouldn't make excuses!!!!


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