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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sydney Snapshots

This is a quick all-photos-no-talking post just to let you see some of my favourite photos from our Sydney trip...
{Yes, I edited this one a litttttle bit!}

{This one, too...}

{Footprints in the sand...}

{This was a freeeeeeeezing day to be on the beach...}

{Amelia, ma sœur aînée}

{This photo is to prove to all IPS loyalists that it is possible to take 'good' photos out of car windows, contrary to popular belief. Not that I would call my photos necessarily 'good'...}

{Ghosts dressed up as cute little cousins! Or err...vice versa}

{Pretending to be tourists...}

I hope you enjoyed my 'wordless' post! Stay tuned for several photos of our visit to the W(r)ong House coming sometime in the [hopefully] near future!


  1. Ooooooh wow!


    Those pictures are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!

    Love the footprints in the sand, and the one you took out the car window :)

    "Ghosts dressed up as cute little cousins"?! lol

  2. <3 your semi-wordless post! ;) While I was looking at the pictures, I was thinking, "Wow - these are sooooooo good." Then I realised, "Eloise took them. DUH - of course they're brilliant!" (:

    P.S. What do you use to edit your photos?

  3. This is a great post: great photos, great memories, great people, great places.

  4. awww... thank you, kind people!!

    @Melody: I pretend to know how to use photoshop, but as you can probably tell, I really have no idea what I'm doing. ;)


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