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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Preview: life lately

There have been days and days and weeks and months since you heard from me last and I apologize to all the people who haunted my blog in the eager hopes of finding a new post and had their hopes dashed each time... however, there is good news! There are several blog posts waiting in my drafts, and I'm hoping to finish and post them sometime this week. Until then, I thought I'd post a random photo taken in the past week...

*Editors note: aaaand I apologize, peoples -  it looks like *this* week will be my blogging week, instead of last week. Hang in there - they are on their way! ;-)


  1. Yep, I like it :) And I'm looking forward to upcoming blog posts!

  2. yaaaaay!!!!!!!!!! :)

    (and I love the photo!)

  3. cooooooooool picture.

    I know I say this like, every.single.time, but your photography skills are SOOOOOO Amazing, incredible etc. You know the spiel, but it is true! That picture looks like it was scabbed off google.


  4. Awww!

    (Oh, and Rachel... google probably wouldn't agree with you but thaaanks for the nice words anyway!!)


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